Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Program Your Goal In Your Mind

Program Your Goal In Your Mind

  1. In the morning before getting out of bed think about the attitudes you will have and the actions you will take during the day to achieve your goals. Feel the positive emotions you will experience while taking the steps towards your goal. See yourself in your mind as your new self with your goals achieved. That is how you plan your day.

  2. During the day you will work with determination on the steps you decided to take during the day and also, to overcome the bad habits of your old self, you will engage your thoughts, words and actions in the habits of your new self, building your day to achieve your goals.

  3. At night, when you are in bed and before going to sleep, review in your mind the day is about to end. Who you were being during the day. How did you do executing the plan you set in the morning. Think about adjustments for tomorrow's plan. Celebrate your efforts!

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