Thursday, October 21, 2021

You Need A Lot of Data To Succeed.

 You Need A Lot of Data To Succeed.

Failure has a negative connotation in our everyday conversation. But is it, really that bad?

We always want to avoid failure, but when we are building our dream, there are so many ways that things can go wrong. We can see those failures as something terrible or see them as useful data.

A common mistake is to cancel what we were doing and look for a new approach or solution, because what we were doing didn't work. Most people will tell you to do that.

On the other hand we could consider our previous experience a test that was not successful, but we should understand why. So, we need to gather information about the results we just achieved. Failure really means you are one step closer to success. So, see failure as a set of data that helps you make decisions down the line. And... keep building your dream.

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