Monday, October 25, 2021

Comfort Is An Addiction

Good Changes Require To Leave The Comfort Zone

To change you need to make different choices as you have done before and that will make you feel uncomfortable, because it takes you out of the safe zone your mind have created for you.

The challenge is to break the bad habits. When you have a thought or face a situation or circumstance, the auto execute program in your subconscious mind will produce and automatic response. It is the emotion that accompanies that response what counts, and that is what you need to change, because you will want to go to your comfort/safe zone. So, you will probably think/say: Not now, later. I will do it tomorrow. This is not going to work. It doesn't feel right.

If you accept that as true, then, the same thought will lead to the same choice and behavior, which will create the same experience, producing the same emotions, and you will believe you are ok, because that is your comfort zone.

Don’t accept the automatic response from your subconscious mind that shows a habit that results in bad, negative, pessimistic, hopeless, sad, hateful, discordial, impatient, selfish, unfaithful, unkind, rough, self-indulgent attitudes.

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