Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Grasping We Lose

Is it true that it's better to give than receive?

Scientific Studies show that the old adage "it's better to give than to receive" is correct: spending money on others or giving to charity has a bigger impact in your internal happiness and health, than spending the money on yourself.

It is true that making more money will make you happier. But to be really and integrally happier, depends on how you spend your money. Research published on science journals show that people that spend money on others are happier than those who don't.

Most of the research in the past has said money isn't that important in terms of happiness. The things that are important are things to do with relationships, with other people, and things that help to promote meaning and the purpose of life.

These research results can be expanded to other areas: How do you spend your time? Your love? Your care? Your thoughts?

Give and discover happiness

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