Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Do All “You Can”

Do All “You Can”

Do all you can with what you have. Focus on the things you can do, and just do it. Your mind will distract you with all you can’t do, all you don’t have all your weaknesses and the threats of adversity. However, worrying about something is not a good problem-solving technique. The automatic response of your mindsettind will make you worried and that will slow you down until it stops you completely. So, you need to change the settings of your mind, from controlling everything to doing what you can do now and let go of the rest.


The only way to success is taking the first step. That you can do. Then you will be able to take the next step and that is the only way to reach your destination. If you focus on all the way you have to go and all that can go wrong, you will not move. Change the settings on your mind from negative to positive, from threats to opportunities, from scarcity to abundance and from pessimist to optimist. Think about what you can do, believe you can take the first step,  feel good about it, Dig in your mind for those positive attitudes and “DO IT”

Focus on your goals, and don’t give up, no matter what.

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