Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Do You Want To Add or Subtract?

Do You Want To Add or Subtract?

Set positive in your mind to see positive in your life. You need to set a destination to draw a course. You need to know where you are going, to plan your trip. You need to have a  goal to plan your life. You need to think to be able to act. You need to believe in order to achieve. You should believe that today can be better than yesterday and you must plan that tomorrow will be better than today.

When you fill your mind with positive thoughts, your mind will create positive feelings and emotions, that will generate positive attitudes, that in turn will make you take positive actions. Repeating this cycle, you will create your positive habits that will unlock your full potential. In arithmetic, the positive sign is used to add and when you add you will always get a bigger result; and with repeated addition you achieve multiplication.

Remember: Positive creates positive.

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