Sunday, November 7, 2021

How Good Are Your Predictions About Your Life?


How Good Are Your Predictions About Your Life?

A self-fulfilling prophecy is the phenomenon of "predicting" or expecting something, and because you believe this "prediction" will come true, your behaviors align with the prediction making it true in your life.

For instance, you might predict that your work or business will turn out exceedingly well, and feel confident about it. Then, your hard work pays off and your results are great. Alternatively, you might expect that things will go terribly, and thus your results are well below expectations.

Although you could conclude that you know yourself quite well, you should think about the effects your expectations have on your behavior. Your beliefs and expectations influence your behavior at the subconscious level, enacting what is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Your subconscious mind will carry out your orders.

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