Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Learn As You Go

Learn As You Go

Learning as you go is the same method you used to learn to walk when you were a baby, or to learn to ride a bicycle, to swim, to drive a car, to cook, to be a spouse, a parent, and many more.

However, formal education is predominantly structured to: Learn first and go later. We tend to lose a lot of time and have a lot of unfinished projects, careers and vocations, because we are afraid to start until we have all of the learnings and facts, since we got used to formal education, plus our fear of failure.

Our heritage from thousands of years is to learn from our environment, and our interaction with the information around us, working in real life. I understand that theoretical teaching has a reason to exist, but... Real life practice will always beat theoretical teaching.

Go and reach your goals…

Learning by doing, as you go!

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