Monday, November 1, 2021

Think about it. Believe It. Feel It. Receive It!

 Think about it. Believe It. Feel It. Receive It!

Why are you giving the same answers to the same situations? Why are you doing the same things to achieve the same results? Why can’t you break the vicious circle? You have to consider the connection between thoughts, beliefs, feelings and attitudes.

Thoughts are ideas, words or images in your mind. They are created by your imagination and have energy.  Basically, if you can create it in your mind, you can make it happen.  Everything has started with an idea.

Belief is an acceptance that something is true or that something exists. The question is whether you believe in your thoughts or not, and that is where your potential i¿of success is determined.


Feelings are emotions and they can be experienced in varying degrees of intensity and usually have a physical sensation attached. The type and intensity of your feelings is highly correlated with your belief in your thoughts. Feelings are important because they are always expressed.

Attitudes are a psychological construction in your mind conceived by the coupling of emotions and experiences, forming a person’s character and temperament through repetition.


The Connection is that our thoughts create our feelings based on our beliefs and our feelings drive our attitudes. Our attitudes trigger our actions, and our actions through repetition form our habits. Your habits will create your future and determine your destiny.


To achieve any goal, you need to create that thought in your mind and believe you can do it. Believing is the hard part. You can help your belief by creating good feelings about it. Visualize yourself achieving your goal and feeling great about achieving it. Then comes the other difficult part: start doing it, with baby steps, but you need to start. Your mind can’t differentiate between thoughts and reality, with this process you will create a new reality in your mind that will get you building the habits that will get you to achieve your goal.

Your mind is capable of getting you to achieve

anything you want to do.

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