Monday, November 22, 2021

This Is About You and Now

This Is About You and Now

If it’s not now… When? If it’s not you… Who? To reach your goal, you need to take the first step and the truth is that you must take it now. Don’t postpone, don’t procrastinate your life away. You may want to do it, you may say you will do it and you may pray for it, but only taking the first step, will open the door for the blessing of your goal to reach your life.

All your personal capacities, abilities and motivation will help, but only your positive attitudes will lead you to action and to take that powerful first step. Your attitudes are the result of your thoughts producing feelings and emotions that create attitudes by repeated experiences. You need to program your mind with positive thoughts, feelings and emotions that will create the new experiences and attitudes you need to succeed.

Shouldn't you start now?

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