Friday, December 3, 2021

Me First

Me First

When you do the right thing you are an example to others. When you love yourself you will be able to love your neighbor. When you learn you can teach. When you grow, you can help others to grow. When you become stronger you can strengthen those around you. When you are healthy you can help others to be healthier. When you are richer you can support others. Investing in yourself is not selfish, it’s God’s Plan.

Be the first so that you can help others to get there. Be the example to follow by taking care of yourself, so that you can take care of others. Investing in yourself allows you to invest in others, to make this a better world. You can give when you have. You need to have knowledge, resources, time, abilities, capabilities and above all, the right Mindsetting, to be able to lead others to a better place in life.

Investing in yourself means changing your Mindsetting to Grow, and for that: Set goals, study, grow your skills, strengthen your finances and health, persevere to acquire good habits and cut ties with your past. This is the way for you to increase your value, because you are worth your own time and efforts.

Lead by example and service.

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