Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Where Do You Live?

Where Do You Live?

You can’t live in your old house, because you moved out of there. You can’t live in the house you will have in the future, because you haven't bought it or rented it yet. But you can enjoy the house you are living in today and you can fix it, make it beautiful and invest in it to increase its value. The house is your life. You can’t live in the past or wait for the future. You must live the present, fix it and invest in it to have a better future.

The investment principle: You use data from the past, to invest in the present and enjoy the earnings of your investment in the future. The investment is your life: Learn from your past life, invest in your present life and enjoy a better life in the future. Your tomorrow depends on your today, not your yesterday. You can’t fix in the past what was broken in the past, but you can fix in the present what is broken in the present, so that it’s not broken in the future.

The opportunities you missed in the past are gone and you can’t yet take advantage of the opportunities that will come to you in the future. However, the present is full of opportunities that you will miss if you are focused on the past or waiting for the future.

Don’t regret your past.

Avoid your future regrets by fixing your present.

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