Saturday, October 9, 2021

Victory Belongs To Doers

Your ego is simply your false self. Your true self is beyond your ego. Just do what you have to do and don't look for Victory. Victory will come to you as a result of what you do.

You Should Deserve What You Want

Instead of thinking about how you can get what you want, think about how you can offer that to others. Then, you will succeed.

Many Die Young But Are Buried Old

To be alive you must keep your capacity to choose, to live a life that is meaningful to you. You don’t need to wonder what your goal is, because you will always find it in helping. Focus on how to make the lives of others better. This is your essence as a spiritual being created by God.

Live With Intention Not Resignation

You are what you come from.
If you come from mineral, you are mineral.
If you come from vegetable, you are vegetable.
If you come from animal, you are animal.

What do you come from?

If you come from Spirit, you are spirit.
If you come from Divinity, you are divine.

Trying is not enough.
You are Empowered to Do It.

Your Success Depends On How You Feed Your Mind

When you reprogramming your mind,
you change your paradigms.

When you change your paradigms,
you change your life.

Dwell In Your Goals

When your rational mind is not aligned with your intuitive/subconscious mind it will sabotage all your plans and goals.

All Is Possible

All Is Possible

Stick To Your Plan Don't Drift

Stick To Your Plan Don't Drift

Your Reality Is Your Perception

Your Reality Is Your Perception

Your Mind Can Solve Any Problem

Your Mind Can Solve Any Problem

Cultivate Your Intuitive Mind

Cultivate Your Intuitive Mind

From Your Mind To Your Life

From Your Mind To Your Life

See It In Your Mind and You Will Have It

See It In Your Mind and You Will Have It

Don't Trust In Luck Empower Yourself

Don't Trust In Luck Empower Yourself

Focus and Believe To Achieve

Focus and Believe To Achieve

Have A Growing Mindset To Succeed

Have A Growing Mindset To Succeed

Believe Is The Cornerstone To Build

Believe Is The Cornerstone To Build

Action Is The Wining Decision

Action Is The Wining Decision

Reset Your Mind For Success

Reset Your Mind For Success

Empower Your Thoughts

Empower Your Thoughts

You Are Free When Your Mind Is Free

You Are Free When Your Mind Is Free

Your Future Depends On What You Do Today Don't Postpone Your Plans

Your Future Depends On What You Do Today
Don't Postpone Your Plans

Your Future Is Born In Your Mind

Your Future Is Born In Your Mind

  1. Think about what you want in your future, but don't think in words or images. Rather, think in a video format, like a video thought.
  2. Add to that video thought the feelings and emotions you will have when you reach that future you want.
  3. That video thought with feelings should be kept in your mind, day and night, everyday, permanently.

That will tell your subconscious mind that is safe to go there, because you want it and it makes you feel great.

Your subconscious mind will help your conscious mind to make the right choices to reach your goal.